Tell us a bit about yourself...
I am currently an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine & Critical Care at Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences, an attending Emergency Physician at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
How did you come to a career in Emergency Medicine? How did you get there?
Right after I completed my undergraduate study in Medicine at Addis Ababa University School of Medicine, having done my undergraduate clerkship rotation in Emergency Medicine, my interest grew to specialise in Emergency Medicine and towards clinical research.
What is working in Emergency Medicine in Ethiopia like?
As it is a young and growing speciality only a decade young, it is fascinating in terms of clinical cases as well as untapped research areas. Thus, I feel I am excelling at both. I have an interest in EM systems development in low resource settings.
Can you tell our community of emergency physicians something that would surprise them?
As an EM physician in Ethiopia in my earlier/younger years, I was very much everything. An academic; teaching both undergraduate & postgraduate trainees in EM, co-director of Post Graduate education in EM, director of EM ultrasound as well as a research section. As well as all this, I was a clinician involved both in clinical care in public and private hospitals and systems development. My EM ultrasound interest only keeps on growing while working as an EM physician.
What makes you passionate about POCUS?
POCUS for me is like an additional stethoscope for EM physician. POCUS is such a dependable thing in terms of innovation, guidance for resuscitation, diagnosis, triage, helping as system development. POCUS is an entry point to the arena of the mix of EM cases like undifferentiated shock & so on.
What barriers do you need to overcome to further integrate POCUS in EM in your hospital and region? Barriers are more of a resource issue in terms of equipment and human training power.
How did you discover EMUGs?
It was a simple web based search out of my huge interest in furthering my POCUS education. And it was a coincidence as I was also doing my year long fellowship via Ultrasound Leadership Academy.
What impact has EMUGs had on you?
It helped me to widen my thoughts about POCUS, to have more collaborations and continue to do so. The developing countries scholarship selection process and the interviews I had with the selection team all helped me to think about more collaborations.
If you could be granted a single wish what would it be?
Creating a POCUS center of excellence in Ethiopia through incorporation of all my collaborators!
Temesgen's 1st ultrasound guided pericardiocentis during his Emergency Medicine Residency Training!