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Logbook Requirements

To successfully complete the FELS module a minimum of 25 accurate examinations of the heart must be performed. These scans should be recorded in your logbook and saved images should be reviewed and signed off by your supervisor.


At least five should be clinically indicated (i.e. shock/peri arrest/cardiac arrest) and these scans should be reviewed by a sonologist. This may occur later using recorded images / loops. Findings should also be compared with clinical data and noted whether the findings were accurate. 


At least five examinations should be performed under the direct supervision of a sonologist, or cardiac sonographer. 


Evidence of review of clinical images/loops from a further 25 cases should be provided. Ideally, this review should be undertaken with a supervisor to ensure that the candidate has viewed and correctly interpreted cases with appropriate pathology. 


The 25 cases reviewed must include at least two of the following cases, which are available in the eLearning section of the ACEM website:

  • Severe LV systolic impairment

  • Pericardial effusion 

  • Hyperdynamic LV 

  • RV dilatation 


Of the minimum 50 FELS examinations (25 performed and 25 reviewed), cases must include at least two cases each of pericardial effusion, right heart failure / massive pulmonary embolism, hypovolemia or distributive shock and left ventricular failure.



The logbook is available here for download or for copying to your google drive (if logged in via your google account).

Minimum Imaging Set and Supervisor Auditing Guide

The minimum imaging set and image auditing guide is available here.

Formative and Summative Assessments

2 Formative and a final summative assessment must be completed.

Ongoing Skills Maintenance Requirements

To maintain his/her credentials, the emergency medicine sonologist must undertake at least three hours of ultrasound training per year and and at least 50% of minimum logbook number of scans per year ongoing.

Focused Echo

Lung Ultrasound

Needle Guidance


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